Today I had a revelation! Soon I will be starting high school and I want to start off right. So I’ve been adopting new healthy habits. Some of them career wise like writing daily and looking for writing internships. Then there are relationship goals like spending more time with friends instead of spending the summer as a hermit. But most important is my health. I went back to the basics like more sleep and exercise. Now for the scary part here I was just minding my own business at a water fountain when I heard that nagging little voice in the back of my head. In retrospect I should have shut it down then and there but alas I listened on. Then the voice went on some tangent about drinking more water and how my liver will thank me. Well apparently I am pretty convincing because soon enough I was nodding along. Just as I was going to fill my bottle the realization sinks, and with it cold horror. The reminders and rants all come back. I realize this is exactly what my mom told me to do. This ladies been going on for months, water this water that. And like apparently she was right. So this time around I am more willing to give her suggestions a go. Whenever she look’s at my writing the main comment is my use of contractions. For me contractions are as natural as breathing. I use them when I text, at school, and in my stories. But looking back mom is not the only person reminding me that they do not belong in proper writing. Teachers have also mentioned it once or twice (ok a lot of times). So for the next few months I am cutting contractions out of my writing. Yes it’s (pardon me it is ) true from know on turning prim and proper. I am also challenging you. Give it a go, do a little something to spoof up your writing!